API Docs for: 1.5.0

File: src/structures/ObjectStateGroupCreateStruct.js

/* global define */
define(function () {
    "use strict";

     * Returns a structure used to create a new Object State group. See
     * {{#crossLink "ContentService/createObjectStateGroup"}}ContentService.createObjectStateGroup{{/crossLink}}
     * @class ObjectStateGroupCreateStruct
     * @constructor
     * @param identifier {String} unique ObjectStateGroup identifier
     * @param languageCode {String} The language code (eng-GB, fre-FR, ...)
     * @param names {Array} Multi language value (see the example)
     * @example
     *      var objectStateGroupCreateStruct = contentService.newObjectStateGroupCreateStruct(
     *          "some-id",
     *          "eng-US",
     *          [
     *              {
     *                  "_languageCode":"eng-US",
     *                  "#text":"Some Name"
     *              }
     *          ]
     *      );
    var ObjectStateGroupCreateStruct = function (identifier, languageCode, names) {
        this.body = {};
        this.body.ObjectStateGroupCreate = {};

        this.body.ObjectStateGroupCreate.identifier = identifier;
        this.body.ObjectStateGroupCreate.defaultLanguageCode = languageCode;

        this.body.ObjectStateGroupCreate.names = {};
        this.body.ObjectStateGroupCreate.names.value = names;

        this.body.ObjectStateGroupCreate.descriptions = {};
        this.body.ObjectStateGroupCreate.descriptions.value = [];

        this.headers = {};
        this.headers.Accept = "application/vnd.ez.api.ObjectStateGroup+json";
        this.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/vnd.ez.api.ObjectStateGroupCreate+json";

        return this;

    return ObjectStateGroupCreateStruct;
