API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: Resources/public/js/views/serverside/ez-contenttypeeditserversideview.js

 * Copyright (C) eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
 * For full copyright and license information view LICENSE file distributed with this source code.
YUI.add('ez-contenttypeeditserversideview', function (Y) {
    "use strict";
     * Provides the content type edit server side view
     * @module ez-contenttypeeditserversideview

    var events = {
            '.ez-relation-pick-root-button': {
                'tap': '_pickRoot'
            '.ezselection-settings-option-add': {
                'tap': '_addSelectionOption',
                'keydown': '_addSelectionOption',
            '.ezselection-settings-option-remove': {
                'tap': '_removeSelectionOptions',
                'keydown': '_removeSelectionOptions',
        SELECTION_PROTOTYPE_CLASS = 'ezselection-settings-option-value-prototype',
        PROTOTYPE_PLACEHOLDER = /__number__/g,
        SPACE = 32, RETURN = 13;

     * The content type edit server side view.
     * @namespace eZ
     * @class ContentTypeEditServerSideView
     * @constructor
     * @extends eZ.ServerSideView
    Y.eZ.ContentTypeEditServerSideView = Y.Base.create('contentTypeEditServerSideView', Y.eZ.ServerSideView, [], {
        initializer: function () {
            this.containerTemplate = '<div class="ez-view-serversideview ez-view-contenttypeeditserversideview"/>';

         * Returns the Selection settings block for the given node.
         * @method _getSelectionSettings
         * @private
         * @return {Node}
        _getSelectionSettings: function (node) {
            return node.ancestor('.ezselection-settings');

         * Returns the node used as a *prototype* ie it contains a template for
         * new Selection options.
         * @method _getSelectionOptionPrototype
         * @private
         * @param {Node} settingsNode
         * @return {Node}
        _getSelectionOptionPrototype: function (settingsNode) {
            return settingsNode.one('.' + SELECTION_PROTOTYPE_CLASS);

         * Creates a new option node for the given Selection settings block.
         * @method _createNewOptionNode
         * @private
         * @param {Node} settingsNode
         * @return {Node}
        _createNewOptionNode: function (settingsNode) {
            var newOptionTpl = this._getSelectionOptionPrototype(settingsNode).get('text'),

            newOption = Y.Node.create(newOptionTpl);

            return newOption;

         * Checks if the event is a tap or a validate event e.g. the user hits
         * enter or space on the button.
         * @method _isTapOrValidateEvent
         * @param {EventFacade} e
         * @private
         * @return {Boolean}
        _isTapOrValidateEvent: function (e) {
            return ( !e.keyCode || e.keyCode === SPACE || e.keyCode === RETURN );

         * Reindexes Selection options in settingsNode. That way no matter how
         * the user manipulates the option list, we make sure the options are
         * indexed from 1 to n without gap.
         * @method _reindexSelectionOptions
         * @protected
         * @param {Node} settingsNode
        _reindexSelectionOptions: function (settingsNode) {
            var tplNode = this._getSelectionOptionPrototype(settingsNode),
                inputIdTpl = tplNode.getData('ezselection-option-input-id'),
                inputNameTpl = tplNode.getData('ezselection-option-input-name');

            settingsNode.all('.ezselection-settings-option-value input[type=text]').each(function (input, i) {
                input.set('name', inputNameTpl.replace(PROTOTYPE_PLACEHOLDER, i+1));
                input.set('id', inputIdTpl.replace(PROTOTYPE_PLACEHOLDER, i+1));

         * `tap` event handler on the add option button for Selection settings.
         * It creates a new option for the Selection based on a prototype
         * generated by Repository Form.
         * @method _addSelectionOption
         * @protected
         * @param {EventFacade} e
        _addSelectionOption: function (e) {
            var settingsNode = this._getSelectionSettings(e.target),
                options = settingsNode.one('.ezselection-settings-option-list');

            if ( this._isTapOrValidateEvent(e) ) {

         * Gives the focus to the last Selection option input text
         * @method _focusLastSelectionOptionInput
         * @protected
         * @param {Node} settingsNode
        _focusLastSelectionOptionInput: function (settingsNode) {
            settingsNode.one('.ezselection-settings-option-value:last-of-type input[type=text]').focus();

         * `tap` event handler on the remove option button for Selection
         * settings. It removes the checked options from the DOM.
         * @method _removeSelectionOptions
         * @protected
         * @param {EventFacade} e
        _removeSelectionOptions: function (e) {
            var settingsNode = this._getSelectionSettings(e.target),
                selected = settingsNode.all('.ezselection-settings-option-checkbox:checked');

            if ( this._isTapOrValidateEvent(e) ) {
                selected.each(function (checkbox) {

         * tap event handler on the root item selection buttons. It launches the
         * universal discovery widget so that the user can pick a content.
         * @method _pickRoot
         * @protected
         * @param {EventFacade} e
        _pickRoot: function (e) {
            var button = e.target;

            this.fire('contentDiscover', {
                config: {
                    title: button.getAttribute('data-universaldiscovery-title'),
                    contentDiscoveredHandler: Y.bind(this._setRoot, this, button),
                    multiple: false

         * Puts picked location id into root selection input. Input is selected by selector
         * provided in `data-relation-root-input-selector` attribute of button, for example
         * <button data-relation-root-input-selector="#id_of_input"></button>
         * @method _setRoot
         * @protected
         * @param {Y.Node} button
         * @param {EventFacade} e
        _setRoot: function (button, e) {
            var selectionRootInput = this.get('container').one(button.getAttribute('data-relation-root-input-selector')),
                selectedRootName = this.get('container').one(button.getAttribute('data-relation-selected-root-name-selector'));

            selectionRootInput.setAttribute('value', e.selection.location.get('locationId'));