Everyone is welcome to work together on contributing talks, improving existing once, or otherwise contribute changes/additions to any meta information in this repository.
Things to keep in mind:
- Attributions in slides are mainly reserved for the original creator(s)/speaker(s), always link to github history of slide set. In case of big changes by other contributor(s), it is best to remove inline attribution in slides and just link to Github history for attribution info.
- It is strongly preferred that slides in this repository is in reveal.js format or similar (in a open html/md format cable of being hosted by github pages and worked on efficiently using github), binary formats should not be hosted here.
- To avoid adding external libraries in here, but still allow presentations w/o network, submodules are used for specific major versions of dependencies.
- Take care about checking copyright of content when contributing, including images, videos, git animations and copy past of text. If you detect copyright issues please open a pull request to fix it. eZ Systems AS is not deemed responsible for copyrighted content wrongly used in any of the materials found in this repository.
Copyright and License
Content in this slides repository is unless otherwise noted provided under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
For copyright/license of images, see Contribution section above.