API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: Resources/public/js/extensions/ez-loadmorepagination.js

 * Copyright (C) eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
 * For full copyright and license information view LICENSE file distributed with this source code.
YUI.add('ez-loadmorepagination', function (Y) {
    "use strict";
     * Provide the LoadMorePagination extension
     * @module ez-loadmorepagination

    var IS_PAGE_LOADING = 'is-page-loading';

     * View extension providing a pagination based on a *load more* button.
     * A *Load More Pagination* view can render and append an item view per new
     * item added in the `items` attribute. The view output should provide an
     * element with the class `ez-loadmorepagination-more`, when the user *taps*
     * on its element, the `offset` attribute is incremented by `limit` value.
     * The view is free to handle that event in its own way but this extension
     * is primarily design to be used with the `eZ.AsynchronousView` extension.
     * It also handles a `loading` state which result in the `is-page-loading`
     * class to be added/removed from the view container.
     * The extension also expects the rendered view to have the following
     * elements:
     * * an element with the class `ez-loadmorepagination-content` where the
     * item view containers are added
     * * an element with the class `ez-loadmorepagination-more-count` where the
     * remaing number of element to load is displayed
     * * an element with the class `ez-loadmorepagination-display-count` where
     * the number of currently displayed element is shown.
     * When a View is extended with this extension, it should define the
     * following properties:
     * * `_getExpectedItemsCount` a function that should return the number of
     * expected items in total
     * * `_ItemViews` a constructor function to build the View items
     * * `_itemViewBaseConfig` the base configuration to pass the item views.
     *   This object will be merged with the item object and will be passed to
     *   the item view.
     * @namespace eZ
     * @class LoadMorePagination
     * @extensionfor Y.View
    Y.eZ.LoadMorePagination = Y.Base.create('loadMorePagination', Y.View, [], {
        events: {
            '.ez-loadmorepagination-more': {
                'tap': '_loadMore',

        initializer: function () {
             * Holds the grid item view instances for the current grid.
             * This property is deprecated and will be removed in PlatformUI
             * 2.0, please use `this._itemViews` instead.
             * @property _gridItemViews
             * @protected
             * @deprecated
             * @type Array<SubitemGridItemView>
            this._gridItemViews = [];

             * Holds the item view instances
             * @property _itemViews
             * @protected
             * @type Array<eZ.View>
            this._itemViews = [];

             * Holds a function returning the number of items the view is supposed
             * to display
             * @property _getExpectedItemsCount
             * @protected
             * @required
             * @type {Function}

             * Holds the View constructor to use to render each item.
             * @property _ItemView
             * @protected
             * @required
             * @type {Function}

             * Holds the base configuration object for the item view. This
             * object will be merged with the item object and the resulting
             * object is used as the configuraton for the item view instance.
             * @property _itemViewBaseConfig
             * @protected
             * @required
             * @type {Object}

            if ( this.get('loading') ) {
            this.after('loadingChange', function () {
                if ( this.get('loading') ) {
                } else {

            this.after('offsetChange', function (e) {
                this._set('loading', true);
            this.after('itemsChange', function (e) {
                this._set('loading', false);
                this._appendItems(this._getNewlyAddedItems(e.newVal, e.prevVal));

         * Destroys the item views
         * @private
         * @method _destroyItemViews
        _destroyItemViews: function () {
            this._itemViews.forEach(function (item) {
                item.destroy({remove: true});
            this._itemViews = [];

        destructor: function () {

         * `tap` event handler on the load more button.
         * @method _loadMore
         * @protected
        _loadMore: function (e) {
            if ( !e.currentTarget.get('disabled') ) {
                this.set('offset', this.get('offset') + this.get('limit'));

         * Sets the UI in the loading the state
         * @protected
         * @method _uiPageLoading
        _uiPageLoading: function () {

         * Removes the loading state of the UI
         * @method _uiPageEndLoading
         * @protected
        _uiPageEndLoading: function () {

         * Counts the number of loaded and displayed items.
         * @method _countLoadedItems
         * @protected
         * @return {Number}
        _countLoadedItems: function () {
            return this._itemViews.length;

         * Returns the load more button
         * @method _getLoadMore
         * @protected
         * @return {Y.Node}
        _getLoadMore: function () {
            return this.get('container').one('.ez-loadmorepagination-more');

         * Disables the load more button
         * @method _disableLoadMore
         * @protected
        _disableLoadMore: function () {
            this._getLoadMore().set('disabled', true);

         * Enables the load more button
         * @method _enableLoadMore
         * @protected
        _enableLoadMore: function () {
            this._getLoadMore().set('disabled', false);

         * Updates the pagination displayed to the editor.
         * @method _uiUpdatePagination
         * @protected
        _uiUpdatePagination: function () {
            if ( this._countLoadedItems() < this._getExpectedItemsCount() ) {
            } else {

         * Updates the display count with the number of currently loaded
         * subitems.
         * @method _updateDisplayedCount
         * @protected
        _updateDisplayedCount: function () {

         * Updates the more count in the load more button.
         * @method _updateMoreCount
         * @protected
        _updateMoreCount: function () {
            var moreCount = Math.min(
                    this._getExpectedItemsCount() - this._countLoadedItems()

            if ( !moreCount ) {
                moreCount = this.get('limit');

         * Returns the item view configuration for the given `struct`.
         * It mixes the view configuration, the  base item view configuration
         * and the struct.
         * @private
         * @method _getItemViewConfig
         * @param {Object} struct
         * @return {Object}
        _getItemViewConfig: function (struct) {
            return Y.merge(
                {config: this.get('config')},

         * Appends a rendered item view for the last loaded items.
         * @method _appendItems
         * @deprecated
         * @protected
         * @param {Array} newItems
        _appendItems: function (newItems) {
            var content = this.get('container').one('.ez-loadmorepagination-content'),
                ItemView = this._ItemView;

            newItems.forEach(function (struct) {
                var itemView = new ItemView(this._getItemViewConfig(struct));

                itemView.set('active', true);
            }, this);

         * Return an array containing the items that we want to append
         * in the view.
         * @method _getNewlyAddedItems
         * @private
         * @param {Array} itemNewVal an array containing the new items.
         * @param {Array} itemPrevVal an array containing the old items.
        _getNewlyAddedItems: function (itemNewVal, itemPrevVal) {
            var itemPreviousCount = itemPrevVal ? itemPrevVal.length : 0,
                itemNewCount = itemNewVal.length;

            return this.get('items').slice(itemPreviousCount - itemNewCount);
    }, {
        ATTRS: {
             * Indicates the whether the subitem list is currently in loading.
             * @attribute loading
             * @type {Boolean}
             * @readOnly
            loading: {
                readOnly: true,

             * The max number of the Locations to display per 'show more'
             * session
             * @attribute limit
             * @default 10
             * @type Number
            limit: {
                value: 10,

             * The offset in the Location list. A value below zero means no
             * loading has been made yet.
             * @attribute offset
             * @default minus the limit
             * @type Number
            offset: {
                valueFn: function () {
                    return -1 * this.get('limit');

             * The items to display
             * @attribute items
             * @type Array<Mixed>
            items: {
                setter: function (value, attr, info) {
                    var current = this.get('items'),
                        flag = info || {};

                    if ( flag.reset ) {
                        return value;
                    if ( current ) {
                        return current.concat(value);
                    return value;