API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: Resources/public/js/models/ez-trashitemmodel.js

 * Copyright (C) eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
 * For full copyright and license information view LICENSE file distributed with this source code.
YUI.add('ez-trashitemmodel', function (Y) {
    "use strict";
     * Provides the Trash Item model cass
     * @module ez-trashitemmodel


     * TrashItem model
     * @namespace eZ
     * @class TrashItem
     * @constructor
     * @extends Model
    Y.eZ.TrashItem = Y.Base.create('trashItemModel', Y.eZ.RestModel, [], {
         * Override of the eZ.RestModel _parseStruct method to also read the content info
         * @protected
         * @method _parseStruct
         * @param {Object} struct the struct to transform
         * @return {Object}
        _parseStruct: function (struct) {
            var attrs;

            attrs = this.constructor.superclass._parseStruct.call(this, struct);
            attrs.contentInfo = struct.ContentInfo;

            return attrs;

         * Restores the item to it's original location or to a given one if specified
         * @method restore
         * @param {Object} options the required for the update
         * @param {Object} options.api (required) the JS REST client instance
         * @param {Object} [options.destination] if provided, locationId under which the item will be restored.
         * @param {Function} callback a callback executed when the operation is finished
        restore: function (options, callback) {
            var contentService = options.api.getContentService();

            if (options.destination) {
                contentService.recover(this.get('id'), options.destination, callback);
            } else {
                contentService.recover(this.get('id'), callback);

    }, {
        REST_STRUCT_ROOT: "TrashItem",
        ATTRS_REST_MAP: [
            'childCount', 'depth', 'hidden', 'invisible', 'pathString',
            'priority', 'remoteId', 'sortField', 'sortOrder',
            {'id': 'locationId'}, {'_href': 'id'},
        LINKS_MAP: ['ParentLocation', 'Content'],
        ATTRS: {
             * The trash item's number of child
             * @attribute childCount
             * @default 0
             * @type integer
            childCount: {
                value: 0

             * The trash item's depth
             * @attribute depth
             * @default 1
             * @type integer
            depth: {
                value: 1

             * The trash item's hidden flag
             * @attribute hidden
             * @default false
             * @type boolean
            hidden: {
                value: false

             * The trash item's invisible flag
             * @attribute invisible
             * @default false
             * @type boolean
            invisible: {
                value: false

             * The trash item's id in the eZ Publish content repository
             * @attribute locationId
             * @default ''
             * @type string
            locationId: {
                value: ''

             * The trash item's path string
             * @attribute pathString
             * @default ''
             * @type string
            pathString: {
                value: ""

             * The trash item's priority
             * @attribute priority
             * @default 0
             * @type integer
            priority: {
                value: 0

             * The trash item's remote id
             * @attribute remoteId
             * @default ''
             * @type string
            remoteId: {
                value: ""

             * The trash item's sort field
             * @attribute sortField
             * @default "PATH"
             * @type string
            sortField: {
                value: "PATH"

             * The trash item's sort order
             * @attribute sortOrder
             * @default "ASC"
             * @type string
            sortOrder: {
                value: "ASC"

             * The content info
             * @attribute contentInfo
             * @type eZ.ContentInfo
            contentInfo: {
                getter: function (value) {
                    var contentInfo = new Y.eZ.ContentInfo();

                    if ( value ) {
                        contentInfo.setAttrs(contentInfo.parse({document: value}));
                    return contentInfo;