API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: Resources/public/js/views/actions/ez-buttonactionview.js

 * Copyright (C) eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
 * For full copyright and license information view LICENSE file distributed with this source code.
YUI.add('ez-buttonactionview', function (Y) {
    "use strict";
     * Provides the button action view class
     * @module ez-buttonactionview

    var ACTION_SUFFIX = 'Action';

     * Button Action View
     * @namespace eZ
     * @class ButtonActionView
     * @constructor
     * @extends eZ.TemplateBasedView
    Y.eZ.ButtonActionView = Y.Base.create('buttonActionView',  Y.eZ.TemplateBasedView, [], {
        events: {
            '.action-trigger': {
                'tap': '_handleActionClick'

        initializer: function () {
            this.on('disabledChange', this._handleToggleButtonState);

         * Renders the action
         * @method render
         * @return {eZ.ButtonActionView} the view itself
        render: function () {
            var container = this.get('container');

                actionId: this.get('actionId'),
                disabled: this.get('disabled'),
                label: this.get('label'),
                hint: this.get('hint')

            return this;

         * Adds the button action view class name to the container of the view.
         * It is meant to be used by child class so that we can reuse the button
         * action view CSS styles.
         * @protected
         * @method _addParentClassName
        _addButtonActionViewClassName: function () {
            var classes = this._getClasses();


         * Returns the action event name of the button action view.
         * @method _buildActionEventName
         * @protected
         * @return {String}
        _buildActionEventName: function () {
            return this.get('actionId') + ACTION_SUFFIX;

         * Handles tap on the view's action button
         * @method _handleActionClick
         * @param e {Object} event facade
         * @protected
        _handleActionClick: function (e) {
            if ( !this.get('disabled') ) {
                 * Fired when the action button is clicked. Name of the event
                 * consists of the action view's 'actionId' attribute and 'Action'
                 * suffix.  For example for a view with actionId = "publish", the
                 * event fired will be named "publishAction".
                 * @event <actionId>Action
                 * @param {eZ.Content} the content model object
                this.fire(this._buildActionEventName(), {
                    content: this.get('content')

         * Handles *:disabledChange event
         * @method _handleToggleButtonState
         * @param event {Object} event facade
         * @protected
        _handleToggleButtonState: function (event) {
            var buttons = this.get('container').all('.action-trigger'),
                buttonMethod = event.newVal ? 'setAttribute' : 'removeAttribute';

            buttons[buttonMethod]('disabled', event.newVal);
    }, {
        ATTRS: {
             * The priority of the action. Actions are orderd by priority (from
             * top to bottom) If priority is equal, actions are ordered in the
             * order they are added to list
             * @attribute priority
             * @default 0
             * @type int
            priority: {
                value: 0

             * The primary action id, should be unique among other instances of
             * actions, since it is used for styling, running commands, etc.
             * @attribute action
             * @default ''
             * @type string
             * @required
            actionId: {
                value: ''

             * Action label
             * @attribute label
             * @default ''
             * @type string
             * @required
            label: {
                value: ''

             * Action hint (shown in small font below the label)
             * @attribute hint
             * @type string
             * @default ''
            hint: {
                value: ''

             * Whether or not the action button is disabled
             * @attribute disabled
             * @default false
             * @type boolean
            disabled: {
                value: false

             * Content which is currently loaded in content edit view
             * @attribute content
             * @type eZ.Content
             * @default {}
             * @required
            content: {
                value: {}

             * Version currently being edited (if used in the edit context)
             * @attribute version
             * @type eZ.Version
             * @default {}
            version: {
                value: {}