API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: Resources/public/js/views/ez-serversideview.js

 * Copyright (C) eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
 * For full copyright and license information view LICENSE file distributed with this source code.
YUI.add('ez-serversideview', function (Y) {
    "use strict";
     * Provides the generic server side view class
     * @module ez-serversideview

     * The server side view
     * @namespace eZ
     * @class ServerSideView
     * @constructor
     * @extends eZ.View
    Y.eZ.ServerSideView = Y.Base.create('serverSideView', Y.eZ.View, [Y.eZ.Tabs, Y.eZ.SelectionTable], {
        events: {
            'form input[type="submit"], form button, form input[type="image"]': {
                'click': '_trackUsedButton',
            'form': {
                'submit': '_confirmSubmit'

         * Click handler on the buttons in form element. It is used to keep
         * which button was used to submit the form. This was introduced to fix
         * https://jira.ez.no/browse/EZP-25393 because under MacOS, Safari and
         * Firefox do not correctly update document.activeElement, as a result,
         * when handling the form submit, the button was lost.
         * @method _trackUsedButton
         * @protected
         * @param {EventFacade} e
        _trackUsedButton: function (e) {
            this._formButton = e.target;

         * Check if the submit action requires a confirm box,
         * @method _confirmSubmit
         * @protected
         * @param {EventFacade} e
        _confirmSubmit: function (e) {
            var button = this._formButton,
                details = '',
                container = this.get('container'),

            if (button && button.hasClass('ez-confirm-action')) {
                detailsAttr = button.getAttribute('data-confirmbox-details-selector');
                if (container.one(detailsAttr)) {
                    details = container.one(detailsAttr).get('innerHTML');
                this.fire('confirmBoxOpen', {
                    config: {
                        title: button.getAttribute('data-confirmbox-title'),
                        details: details,
                        confirmHandler: Y.bind(function () {
                            this._submitForm(e, button);
                        }, this)
            } else {
                this._submitForm(e, button);

         * Form handling. The DOM submit is transformed into an application
         * level event `submitForm` so that the server side view service can
         * handle it.
         * @method _submitForm
         * @protected
         * @param {EventFacade} e
         * @param {Node} button
        _submitForm: function (e, button) {
             * Fired when a form is submitted in the browser
             * @event submitForm
             * @param {Node} form the Node object of the submitted form
             * @param {Object} formData the serialized form data including the
             * used button to validate the form
             * @param {Event} originalEvent the original DOM submit event
            this.fire('submitForm', {
                form: e.target,
                formData: this._serializeForm(e.target, button),
                originalEvent: e,
            this._formButton = null;

         * Serializes the form data so that it can be sent with an AJAX request.
         * It also checks which button was used (if any) to include it in the
         * data.
         * @method _serializeForm
         * @param {Node} form
         * @param {Node} button
         * @return {Object} key/value data of the form
        _serializeForm: function (form, button) {
            var data = {};

            if ( this._isSubmitButton(button, form) ) {
                data[button.getAttribute('name')] = "";

            form.get('elements').each(function (field) {
                var name = field.getAttribute('name'),
                    type = field.get('type');

                if ( !name ) {

                /* jshint -W015 */
                switch (type) {
                    case 'button':
                    case 'reset':
                    case 'submit':
                    case 'radio':
                    case 'checkbox':
                        if ( field.get('checked') ) {
                            data[name] = field.get('value');
                    case 'select-multiple':
                        if ( field.get('selectedIndex') >= 0 ) {
                            data[name] = [];
                            field.get('options').each(function (opt) {
                                if ( opt.get('selected') ) {
                        // `.get('value')` returns the expected field value for
                        // inputs, select-one and even textarea.
                        data[name] = field.get('value');
                /* jshint +W015 */
            return data;

         * Checks whether the given node is a valid submit button for the given
         * form.
         * @method _isSubmitButton
         * @protected
         * @param {Node} node
         * @param {Node} form
         * @return {Boolean}
        _isSubmitButton: function (node, form) {
            var localName, name, type;

            if ( !node || !form.contains(node) ) {
                return false;
            name = node.getAttribute('name');
            if ( !name ) {
                return false;
            localName = node.get('localName');
            type = node.getAttribute('type');
            return (
                localName === 'button' ||
                ( localName === 'input' && (type === 'submit' || type === 'image' ) )

         * Initializes the view to make sure the container will get the
         * ez-view-serversideview class
         * @method initializer
        initializer: function () {
             * References the button used to submit a form, it is updated by
             * `_trackUsedButton` as a replacement for `document.activeElement`
             * which is not correctly updated by Firefox for OSX or Safari.
             * see https://jira.ez.no/browse/EZP-25393
             * @property _formButton
             * @type {Node|null}
            this._formButton = null;
            this.containerTemplate = '<div class="ez-view-serversideview"/>';

            this.on('activeChange', function () {
                this.after('htmlChange', this.render);

         * Renders the view in its container. It just puts the html attibute
         * content as the content of the view container
         * @method render
         * @return {eZ.ServerSideView} the view it self
        render: function () {
            return this;

         * Returns the string to use as the page title
         * @method getTitle
         * @return {String}
        getTitle: function () {
            return this.get('title');
    }, {
        ATTRS: {
             * The title of the view
             * @attribute title
             * @default ""
             * @type String
            title: {
                value: ""

             * The HTML content of the view
             * @attribute html
             * @default ""
             * @type String
            html: {
                value: ""