API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: Resources/public/js/views/ez-trashview.js

 * Copyright (C) eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
 * For full copyright and license information view LICENSE file distributed with this source code.
YUI.add('ez-trashview', function (Y) {
    "use strict";
     * Provides the Trash View class
     * @module ez-trashview

    var MINIMIZE_TRASH_BAR_CLASS = 'is-trashbar-minimized';

     * The Trash view
     * @namespace eZ
     * @class TrashView
     * @constructor
     * @extends eZ.TemplateBasedView
    Y.eZ.TrashView = Y.Base.create('trashView', Y.eZ.TemplateBasedView, [Y.eZ.SelectionTable], {
        events: {
            '.ez-trashitem-box': {
                'change': '_updateTrashBarButtons'
            '.ez-trashitem-restore': {
                'tap': '_restoreSingleTrashItem'

        initializer: function () {
            this.on('*:minimizeTrashBarAction', this._handleMinimizeTrashBar);
            this.on('*:restoreTrashItemsAction', this._restoreTrashItems);

         * Event handler for the minimizeTrashBarAction event
         * @protected
         * @method _handleMinimizeTrashBar
        _handleMinimizeTrashBar: function () {

        * Renders the trash view
        * @method render
        * @return {eZ.TrashView} the view itself
        render: function () {
            var container = this.get('container');

                trashItems: this._convertTrashItemsToJSON(),


            return this;

         * Sets the minimum height of the view
         * @private
         * @method _uiSetMinHeight
        _uiSetMinHeight: function () {
            var container = this.get('container');

                'minHeight', container.get('winHeight') + 'px'

         * Converts the content of the `trashItems` attribute into JSON
         * @protected
         * @method _convertTrashItemsToJSON
         * @return {Array} of JSONified `trashItems`
        _convertTrashItemsToJSON: function () {
            return Y.Array.map(this.get('trashItems'), function (trashItem) {
                return {
                    'item': trashItem.item.toJSON(),
                    'parentLocation': trashItem.parentLocation.toJSON(),
                    'contentType': trashItem.contentType.toJSON(),

         * Finds a trash item in the item list and returns it
         * @private
         * @method _findTrashItems
         * @param {String} trashItemId
         * @return {Array} of TrashItem
        _findTrashItems: function (trashItemId) {
            var resultArray = [];
            Y.Array.some(this.get('trashItems'), function (trashItem) {
                if (trashItemId === trashItem.item.get('id')) {
                    return true;

            return resultArray;

         * Fires the `restoreItems` event
         * @private
         * @method _fireRestoreItems
         * @param {Array} trashItems Trash items to be restored
         * @param {String} [destination] if provided, Location Id where it will be restored
        _fireRestoreItems: function (trashItems, destination) {
            * Fired to restore the selected items
            * @event restoreItems
            * @param {Array} trashItems Trash items to be restored
            * @param {String} [destination] if provided, Location Id where it will be restored
            this.fire('restoreItems', {
                trashItems: trashItems,
                destination: destination,

         * Restores selected trash items
         * @private
         * @method _restoreTrashItems
        _restoreTrashItems: function () {
            var selectedTrashItems = this.get('container').all('.ez-trashitem-box:checked'),
                trashItems = [];

            selectedTrashItems.each(function (selectedTrashItem) {
                trashItems = trashItems.concat(this._findTrashItems(selectedTrashItem.getAttribute('value')));
            }, this);


         * Restores the selected (using UDW) trash item
         * @protected
         * @method _restoreSingleTrashItem
         * @param {EventFacade} e
        _restoreSingleTrashItem: function (e) {
            var trashItemId = e.target.getAttribute('data-trash-item-id');

            this.fire('contentDiscover', {
                config: {
                    title: Y.eZ.trans('trash.ancestor.to.select', {}, 'trash'),
                    multiple: false,
                    contentDiscoveredHandler: Y.bind(function (e) {
                        this._fireRestoreItems(this._findTrashItems(trashItemId), e.selection.location.get('id'));
                    }, this),
                    isSelectable: function (contentStruct) {
                        return contentStruct.contentType.get('isContainer');

         * Updates the TrashBar buttons
         * @private
         * @method _updateTrashBarButtons
        _updateTrashBarButtons: function () {
                this.get('container').one('.ez-trashitem-box:checked') === null

         * Update the disable status on a given button of the trashBar
         * @private
         * @method _updateDisableTrashBarButton
         * @param {String} actionId of the button
         * @param {Boolean} isDisabled
        _updateDisableTrashBarButton: function (actionId, isDisabled) {
            this.get('trashBar').getAction(actionId).set('disabled', isDisabled);

        destructor: function () {
            var bar = this.get('trashBar');

    }, {
        ATTRS: {

             * List of Trash Items struct:
             *  - struct.item: Y.eZ.TrashItem
             *  - struct.parentLocation: Y.eZ.Location
             *  - struct.contentType: Y.eZ.ContentType
             * @attribute trashItems
             * @required
             * @default []
             * @type Array
            trashItems: {
                value: [],

             * The trash bar instance, by default an instance {{#crossLink
             * "eZ.TrashBarView"}}eZ.TrashBarView{{/crossLink}}
             * @attribute trashBar
             * @type eZ.BarView
            trashBar: {
                valueFn: function () {
                    return new Y.eZ.TrashBarView({
                        bubbleTargets: this,