API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: Resources/public/js/views/services/ez-contentcreateviewservice.js

 * Copyright (C) eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
 * For full copyright and license information view LICENSE file distributed with this source code.
YUI.add('ez-contentcreateviewservice', function (Y) {
    "use strict";
     * Provides the view service components to create some content
     * @module ez-contenteditviewservice

     * Content create view service.
     * It initializes the models to use while creating a content.
     * @namespace eZ
     * @class ContentCreateViewService
     * @constructor
     * @extends eZ.ContentEditViewService
    Y.eZ.ContentCreateViewService = Y.Base.create('contentCreateViewService', Y.eZ.ContentEditViewService, [], {
        initializer: function () {
            this.on('*:changeLanguage', this._selectLanguage);

        _load: function (next) {
            var type = this.get('contentType'),
                service = this;


            if ( !type.get('fieldDefinitions') ) {
                type.load({api: this.get('capi')}, function (err) {
                    if ( err ) {
                        return service._error(
                            Y.eZ.trans('failed.loading.content.type', {id: type.get('id')}, 'contentedit')
            } else {

         * Initializes the content, version and ower model so that the edit form
         * is correctly displayed
         * @method _initModels
         * @protected
         * @param {Function} callback
        _initModels: function (callback) {
            var content = new Y.eZ.Content(),
                version = content.get('currentVersion'),
                type = this.get('contentType'),
                defaultFields = {};

            content.set('name', this._getNewContentName());
            Y.Object.each(type.get('fieldDefinitions'), function (fieldDef, identifier) {
                defaultFields[identifier] = {
                    fieldDefinitionIdentifier: identifier,
                    fieldValue: fieldDef.defaultValue,

            this.set('content', content);
            this.set('version', version);

            this.set('owner', this.get('app').get('user'));

         * Sets fields on the version.
         * @method _setFields
         * @protected
         * @param {Object} fields object containing fields
         * @since 1.1
        _setFields: function (fields) {
            this.get('version').setFieldsIn(fields, this.get('languageCode'));

         * Sets the redirection URLs attributes
         * @method _setRedirectionUrls
         * @protected
        _setRedirectionUrls: function () {
            var app = this.get('app'),

            viewParent = app.routeUri('viewLocation', {
                id: this.get('parentLocation').get('id'),
                languageCode: this.get('parentContent').get('mainLanguageCode')
            this.set('discardRedirectionUrl', viewParent);
            this.set('closeRedirectionUrl', viewParent);
            this.set('publishRedirectionUrl', function () {
                var content = this.get('content');
                return app.routeUri('viewLocation', {
                    id: content.get('resources').MainLocation,
                    languageCode: content.get('mainLanguageCode'),

         * Gets the name for a new content based on current contentType and languageCode
         * @method _getNewContentName
         * @protected
        _getNewContentName: function() {
            var type = this.get('contentType'),

            contentTypeNames = type.get('names');
            contentTypeName = contentTypeNames[this.get('languageCode')]
                || contentTypeNames[Object.keys(contentTypeNames)[0]];

            return Y.eZ.trans('name.new.content.of.type', {contentTypeName: contentTypeName}, 'contentedit');

         * changeLanguage event handler. It opens languageSelectionBox for selecting
         * language of created content
         * @method _selectLanguage
         * @private
         * @param {EventFacade} e
        _selectLanguage: function (e) {
            this.fire('languageSelect', {
                config: {
                    title: Y.eZ.trans('change.language.to', {}, 'contentedit'),
                    languageSelectedHandler: Y.bind(this._setLanguage, this, e.target, e.fields),
                    cancelLanguageSelectionHandler: null,
                    canBaseTranslation: false,
                    translationMode: true,
                    referenceLanguageList: [this.get('languageCode')]

         * Sets language of created content to one given in event facade. After that notification is fired.
         * @method _setLanguage
         * @private
         * @param {Y.eZ.View} view the view which triggered language selection box
         * @param {Object} fields
         * @param {EventFacade} e
         * @param {String} e.selectedLanguageCode language code to which created content will be switched
        _setLanguage: function (view, fields, e) {
            var version = this.get('version'),
                selectedLanguageCode = e.selectedLanguageCode,
                formFields = {};

            Y.Object.each(fields, function (field) {
                formFields[field.fieldDefinitionIdentifier] = {
                    fieldDefinitionIdentifier: field.fieldDefinitionIdentifier,
                    fieldValue: field.fieldValue,

            version.setFieldsIn(formFields, selectedLanguageCode);
            this.set('languageCode', selectedLanguageCode);

                version: version,
                languageCode: selectedLanguageCode,

            this.fire('notify', {
                notification: {
                    text: Y.eZ.trans(
                        {name: this.get('app').getLanguageName(selectedLanguageCode)},
                    identifier: 'create-content-change-language-to-' + selectedLanguageCode,
                    state: 'done',
                    timeout: 5,
    }, {
        ATTRS: {
             * The parent location of the new content
             * @attribute parentLocation
             * @type Y.eZ.Location
             * @required
            parentLocation: {},

             * The parent content of the new content
             * @attribute parentContent
             * @type Y.eZ.Content
             * @required
            parentContent: {},