API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: Resources/public/js/views/services/ez-viewservice.js

 * Copyright (C) eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
 * For full copyright and license information view LICENSE file distributed with this source code.
YUI.add('ez-viewservice', function (Y) {
    "use strict";
     * Provides the view service base class
     * @module ez-viewservice

     * Fired when a loading error occurs
     * @event error
     * @param {String} message the error message
    var EVT_ERROR = 'error';

     * View service base class.
     * The classes extending this one are supposed to be used in the route
     * definition, see {{#crossLink "eZ.PlatformUIApp"}}the route
     * attribute of eZ.PlatformUIApp{{/crossLink}}
     * @namespace eZ
     * @class ViewService
     * @constructor
     * @extends Base
    Y.eZ.ViewService = Y.Base.create('viewService', Y.Base, [], {
         * Triggers the error event when the message parameter in the event
         * facade
         * @method _error
         * @protected
         * @param {String} msg
        _error: function (msg) {
            this.fire(EVT_ERROR, {message: msg});

         * Loads the data for the view. This method first calls the
         * `parallelLoad` of each plugins in parallel with the service `_load`
         * and after that it calls in parallel the `afterLoad` of each plugins
         * and then calls the callback with the service in parameter.
         * **Do not override this method unless you know what you are doing**
         * You'll most likely want to implement the `_load` method instead!
         * @method load
         * @param {Function} callback
        load: function (callback) {
            var tasks = new Y.Parallel(),
                service = this;

            Y.Object.each(this._plugins, function (fn, name) {

            tasks.done(function () {
                var after = new Y.Parallel();

                Y.Object.each(service._plugins, function (fn, name) {
                after.done(function () {

         * Default load implementation of the service. This method is meant to be
         * overridden in services. The default implementation does nothing except
         * calling the passed callback.
         * @method _load
         * @protected
         * @param {Function} callback
        _load: function (callback) {

        * Configures the next view services. This method is meant to be overridden in
        * view services implementations. It is called before load and takes the view
        * service instance that will replace the current one.
        * The default implementation does nothing.
        * @method _setNextViewServiceParameters
        * @protected
        * @param {eZ.ViewService} service the new active view service
        * @return {eZ.ViewService} the new view service
        _setNextViewServiceParameters: function (service) {
            return service;

         * Configures the next view services, it calls `_setNextViewServiceParameters`
         * and takes the view service plugins into account.
         * **Do not override this method unless you know what you are doing**
         * You'll most likely want to implement the `_setNextViewServiceParameters`
         * method instead or write a view service plugin.
         * @method setNextViewServiceParameters
         * @protected
         * @param {eZ.ViewService} newService the new active view service
         * @return {eZ.ViewService} the new view service
        setNextViewServiceParameters: function (newService) {
            var that = this;

            Y.Object.each(this._plugins, function (fn, name) {

            return newService;

         * Returns the parameters to pass to the view. This method merges the
         * view parameters provided by the plugins and by the service itself.
         * **Do not override this method unless you know what you are doing**
         * You'll most likely want to implement the `_getViewParameters` method
         * instead!
         * @method getViewParameters
         * @return {Object}
        getViewParameters: function () {
            var viewParams = [this._getViewParameters()],
                service = this;

            Y.Object.each(this._plugins, function (fn, name) {
            return Y.merge.apply(Y, viewParams);

         * Returns the parameters to pass to the view. This method is meant to
         * be overridden in custom view services. The default implementation
         * returns an empty object.
         * @method _getViewParameters
         * @return {Object}
        _getViewParameters: function () {
            return {};
    }, {
        ATTRS: {
             * The CAPI instance.
             * @attribute capi
             * @initOnly
            capi: {
                writeOnce: "initOnly"

             * The request object currently handled
             * @attribute request
            request: {},

             * The response object
             * @attribute response
            response: {},

             * The application object
             * @attribute app
             * @initOnly
            app: {
                writeOnce: "initOnly"

             * The view service configuration.
             * @attribute config
             * @type mixed
            config: {},