API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: Resources/public/js/views/subitem/ez-subitemlistitemview.js

 * Copyright (C) eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
 * For full copyright and license information view LICENSE file distributed with this source code.
YUI.add('ez-subitemlistitemview', function (Y) {
    "use strict";
     * Provides the subitem list item view.
     * @module ez-subitemlistitemview

    var PRIORITY_CELL = 'ez-subitem-hovered-priority-cell',
        PRIORITY_ERROR = 'ez-subitem-error-priority-cell',
        PRIORITY_SELECTED = 'ez-subitem-selected-priority-cell';

     * The subitem list item view.
     * @namespace eZ
     * @class SubitemListItemView
     * @constructor
     * @extends eZ.TemplateBasedView
    Y.eZ.SubitemListItemView = Y.Base.create('subitemListItemView', Y.eZ.TemplateBasedView, [Y.eZ.TranslateProperty, Y.eZ.DraftConflict], {
        events: {
            '.ez-subitemlistitem-priority': {
                'mouseover': '_displayEditIcon',
                'mouseout': '_hideEditIcon',
                'tap': '_startPriorityEdit',
            '.ez-subitem-priority-input': {
                'blur': '_validatePriority',
                'valuechange': '_validatePriority',
            '.ez-subitem-priority-cancel': {
                'tap': '_restorePriorityCell',
            '.ez-subitem-priority-form': {
                'submit': '_setPriority'
            '.ez-subitemlistitem-edit': {
                'tap': '_editContent',

        initializer: function () {
            this.containerTemplate = '<tr class="' + this._generateViewClassName(this._getName()) + '"/>';

            this.after('editingPriorityChange', function (e) {
                if ( this.get('editingPriority') ) {
                } else {

        render: function () {
                properties: this._getProperties(),
                location: this.get('location').toJSON(),
                content: this.get('content').toJSON(),
                contentType: this.get('contentType').toJSON(),
            return this;

         * Returns the property object from its identifier. A property object
         * describes the property of the content struct to display, it contains:
         * * the `identifier`
         * * the `class` to add to the cell
         * * the formated `value`
         * * optionnally the value already rendered in `rendered`
         * @method _getProperty
         * @protected
         * @param {String} propertyIdentifier
         * @return {Object}
        _getProperty: function (propertyIdentifier) {
            var propertyDesc = this.get('availableProperties')[propertyIdentifier],
                property = {
                    "identifier": propertyIdentifier,
                    "class": "ez-subitemlistitem-cell ez-subitemlistitem-" + propertyIdentifier.toLowerCase(),

            property.value = this._getFunction(propertyDesc.extractor).call(this, propertyIdentifier);
            if ( propertyDesc.formatter ) {
                property.value = this._getFunction(propertyDesc.formatter).call(this, property);
            if ( propertyDesc.template ) {
                property.rendered = this._renderProperty(propertyDesc.template, property);
            return property;


         * Returns the array of property object for the properties to display.
         * @method _getProperties
         * @return {Array}
         * @protected
        _getProperties: function () {
            return this.get('displayedProperties').map(function (propertyIdentifier) {
                return this._getProperty(propertyIdentifier);
            }, this);

         * Renders the property with the template which id is `tplId`.
         * @method _renderProperty
         * @protected
         * @param {String} tplId
         * @param {Object} property
         * @return {String}
        _renderProperty: function (tplId, property) {
            var template = Y.Template.get(tplId);

            return template({
                property: property,
                content: this.get('content').toJSON(),
                location: this.get('location').toJSON(),
                contentType: this.get('contentType').toJSON(),

         * Finds and returns a method by its name or `fn` if it's already a
         * function
         * @method _getFunction
         * @private
         * @param {String|Function} fn
         * @return {Function}
        _getFunction: function (fn) {
            if ( typeof fn !== "function" ) {
                fn = this[fn];
            return fn;

         * Returns an attribute value of the Content item
         * @method _getContentAttribute
         * @protected
         * @param {String} attr
         * @return Mixed
        _getContentAttribute: function (attr) {
            return this.get('content').get(attr);

         * Returns the name of the content type
         * @method _getContentTypeName
         * @protected
         * @return {String}
        _getContentTypeName: function () {
            return this.translateProperty(

         * Returns an attribut value of the Location
         * @method _getLocationAttribute
         * @protected
         * @param {String} attr
         * @return Mixed
        _getLocationAttribute: function (attr) {
            return this.get('location').get(attr);

         * Returns the translations list
         * @method _getTranslations
         * @protected
         * @return {Array} array of language codes in which the content is
         * translated
        _getTranslations: function () {
            return this.get('content').get('currentVersion').getTranslationsList();

         * Formats a date to human readable string.
         * @method _formatDate
         * @protected
         * @param {Object} property
         * @return {String}
        _formatDate: function (property) {
            var date = property.value;

            return date.toLocaleTimeString(
                undefined, {year: "numeric", month: "short", day: "numeric", hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit'}

         * Formats the translations list to a string suitable for the template
         * @method _formatTranslations
         * @param {Object} property a translations property
         * @protected
         * @return {String}
        _formatTranslations: function (property) {
            return property.value.join(', ');

         * Displays the edit icon to inform the user input can be edited.
         * @method _displayEditIcon
         * @protected
        _displayEditIcon: function () {
            if ( this.get('canEditPriority') ) {

         * Hides the edit icon
         * @method _hideEditIcon
         * @protected
        _hideEditIcon: function () {

         * Starts the priority edit by setting the `editingPriority` to true (if
         * possible).
         * @method _startPriorityEdit
         * @protected
        _startPriorityEdit: function () {
            if ( this.get('canEditPriority') ) {
                this.set('editingPriority', true);

         * Ends the priority edit by setting the `editingPriority` to false.
         * @protected
         * @method _endPriorityEdit
        _endPriorityEdit: function () {
            this.set('editingPriority', false);

         * Shows the error icon to inform the user input is not correctly filled.
         * @method _displayErrorIcon
         * @protected
        _displayErrorIcon: function () {

         * Hides the error icon.
         * @method _hideErrorIcon
         * @protected
        _hideErrorIcon: function () {

         * Displays the 'validate' & 'cancel' buttons
         * @method _displayPriorityButtons
         * @protected
        _displayPriorityButtons: function () {

         * `tap` event handler on the cancel button. It makes sure to restore
         * the state of the priority cell.
         * @method _restorePriorityCell
         * @protected
         * @param {Object} e event facade
        _restorePriorityCell: function (e) {

         * Restores the input value with the priority of the location
         * @method _restorePriorityValue
         * @protected
        _restorePriorityValue: function () {
            var input = this._getPriorityInput();

            input.set('value', this.get('location').get('priority'));
            input.setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly');

         * Hides the validate and cancel buttons displayed while editing priority
         * @method _hidePriorityButtons
         * @protected
        _hidePriorityButtons: function () {
            this._getPriorityInput().setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly');

         * `submit` event handler to change the priority of the Location
         * @method _setPriority
         * @protected
         * @param {Object} e event facade
        _setPriority: function (e) {
            this.fire('updatePriority', {
                location: this.get('location'),
                priority: this._getPriorityInput().get('value')

         * Validates the priority input
         * @method _validatePriority
         * @protected
        _validatePriority: function () {
            var validity;

            if ( this.get('editingPriority') ) {
                validity = this._getPriorityInput().get('validity');

                if ( validity.patternMismatch || validity.valueMissing ) {
                } else {

         * Returns the priority cell
         * @method _getPriorityCell
         * @return {Node}
        _getPriorityCell: function () {
            return this.get('container').one('.ez-subitemlistitem-priority');

         * Returns the priority input
         * @method _getPriorityInput
         * @return {Node}
        _getPriorityInput: function (inputId) {
            return this.get('container').one('.ez-subitem-priority-input');

         * Edits the content by sending an edit content request
         * @method _editContent
        _editContent: function () {
    }, {
         ATTRS: {
             * True is the priority of the Location is being edited
             * @attribute editingPriority
             * @default false
             * @type Boolean
             editingPriority: {
                value: false,

              * True is the priority of the Location can be edited
              * @attribute canEditPriority
              * @default true
              * @type Boolean
             canEditPriority: {
                 value: true,

              * The content type of the content item being displayed
              * @attribute contentType
              * @type {eZ.ContentType}
             contentType: {},

              * The location of the content item being displayed
              * @attribute location
              * @type {eZ.Location}
             location: {},

              * The content item being displayed
              * @attribute content
              * @type {eZ.Content}
             content: {},

              * The properties to display
              * @attribute displayedProperties
              * @type {Array}
             displayedProperties: {},

              * Lists the available porperties to display and the corresponding
              * configuration for `_getProperty` to extract, format and
              * optionnally render the property. The object keys are the property
              * identifiers. Each entry in this object is an object with:
              * * `extractor`: a function or a method name to extract the value.
              * This function receives the property identifier as a parameter.
              * * [optional] `formatter`: a function or a method name to format
              * the value. This function receives the property identifier as a
              * parameter.
              * * [optional] `template`: a template id to directly render the
              * property. The template receives the corresponding property
              * object, the Location, the Content item and the Content type
              * objects.
              * @attribute availableProperties
              * @type Object
              * @readOnly
             availableProperties: {
                 readOnly: true,
                 value: {
                     'name': {
                         'extractor': '_getContentAttribute',
                         'template': 'subitemlistitem-name-ez-template',
                     'lastModificationDate': {
                         'extractor': '_getContentAttribute',
                         'formatter': '_formatDate',
                     'contentType': {
                         'extractor': '_getContentTypeName',
                     'priority': {
                         'extractor': '_getLocationAttribute',
                         'template': 'subitemlistitem-priority-ez-template',
                     'translations': {
                         'extractor': '_getTranslations',
                         'formatter': '_formatTranslations',
                     'locationId': {
                         'extractor': '_getLocationAttribute',
                     'mainLanguageCode': {
                         'extractor': '_getContentAttribute',